Some information about our club's new AED....
The new AED is hanging on the wall in the frequency shed under the fire extinguishers. It can be lifted off its bracket and brought to the victim. If the victim is unconscious and no pulse is detectable, the AED should be used. There are also scissors on the bracket to be used to remove clothing. Opening the lid activates the automatic rescue sequence and the voice prompts. Closing the lid will stop the rescue sequence if the lid remains closed. See manual for details. Follow the voice prompts for proper usage. Note it is impossible to shock the victim by mistake. The AED monitors the heart rhythm and only applies a shock when needed. If the heart rhythm is not appropriate for shock, manual CPR may be needed until EMS arrives. Also, the AED will detect and will not interfere with pacemakers. Testing: The AED runs a self test every day. The green indicator at the upper right indicates that the unit is charged and ready to use. Monthly and yearly testing are recommended. Testing is initiated by opening, closing the lid. See manual for details. If the lid is opened by mistake it does no harm to close it and terminate the rescue sequence. The unit will perform a self test and return to its ready state.
Someone asked about buying additional pads. It's hard to imagine needing a second set before a new one could be delivered, but the club can let me know if this is desired and I can order them. Pads should be replaced after two years. Replacement pads appear to cost $51. In our office, we kept our old pads and occasionally used them for training and demonstrations. It's been suggested that the AED should be stored during the cold winter months. Mike Trautman has volunteered to store it at his home when appropriate. The electronic systems in the AED are sensitive. There is a chart in the manual giving distances recommended for various frequencies and wattages. Might be good to move transmitters away from the victim.
It is hoped that we can have a training event at one of our indoor meetings soon. Operation is not difficult and saving a life could result!